Bouncing foam ball - Children's wall ball game

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Ref. : 8862335

This active game consists of throwing the ball against a wall and catching it after it bounces off the ground, focusing on hand-eye coordination.

Popular in school playgrounds, wall ball is a fun way to develop children's motor skills during recess.

Color : blue

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Rebound quality

The foam ball bounces less than the rubber ball, making it easier to play!


How to play wall ball?

One Wall involves throwing the ball against a wall and catching it after it bounces off the ground. Add your own rules to vary the game.

Who can we play this game with?

This simple game can be played individually or with friends for an even greater challenge.

How old do you have to be to play?

Before the age of 3, children can learn to manipulate the ball, throw it at a target, roll it or simply tell themselves a story with it.
From the age of 3, children can begin to understand the bounce of the ball and invent games.
And from the age of 6, children's hand-eye coordination enables them to discover the game of playing with a ball on the wall.
But when it comes to playing, a child's creativity knows no bounds!

Why use foamed polyurethane for this ball?

The ball's foam allows for safe, pain-free play. We'll be thanking the house windows too :)

Is this composition suitable for our little users?

Our product is suitable for children under 3 years of age. Knowing that toddlers tend to put objects in their mouths, we have taken this into account in our requirements for the chemical composition of the ball.

Why choose this ball?

Whether in the garden, on the beach or indoors, this 60 mm diameter blue ball is ready to transform any space into an exciting playground. Weighing in at just 27.2 grams, it'll have you swirling with bright colors and exuding contagious energy, evoking moments of shared laughter and bright emotions.



100% Polypropylene ball


You often ask us about the safety of these products for our little users, and in particular about the presence of certain toxic substances. We can assure you that this product meets all applicable legal and regulatory requirements and toy standards. It is periodically tested by an accredited external laboratory to ensure that it poses no health risk to our little users (formamide, bisphenol A, S).


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