Tailor :
PS for a pony measuring between 1.20m and 1.40m at the withers,
CS for a horse measuring between 1.40m and 1.60m at the withers,
FS for a horse measuring over 1.60m at the withers.
How to use :
Our drying shirt is ideal after work. It allows a horse that has sweated to evacuate perspiration while remaining protected from draughts. It is used under supervision after unsaddling the horse (to allow time for grooming), before putting the blanket back on. How long a horse needs to dry depends on its physical condition, the intensity of its work and the extent of its perspiration. A shorn horse dries faster than an unshorn one.
In hot weather :
The shirt can be folded in half and soaked in cold water, then placed on the horse's mane to refresh it.
Care instructions :
We recommend regular cleaning of shirts, as sale can lead to skin irritation. Before removing the cover, remove dust with a brush. All Fouganza shirts are machine-washable at 30°C.