Cast-iron weight dimensions 0.5kg
- Weight: 0.5kg
- Thickness: 11mm
- Inside diameter: 28mm
- Outside diameter: 100mm
On which bars can I use the 0.5kg disc?
Looking for a barbell or dumbbell with which to use your weight?
Here are some of our 28mm references:
- Straight bar 1.2 metres (ref: 8289897)
- Curl bar 1.2 metres (ref: 8484124)
- Triceps bar 86 cm (ref: 8484125)
- Short bar 35 cm (ref : 1041986)
- Threaded bar 45 cm (ref: 8766096)
- Straight bar 1.55 meter (ref: 8289896)
- Straight bar 2 meters (ref: 8289900)
Weightlifting bars have a diameter of 50mm, which makes them incompatible with this weight.
Think safety and equip yourself with a stop disc!
If you're buying these discs for use on barbells or dumbbells, you'll also need disc stops for safe practice. This accessory is added to the bar after positioning the disc to prevent it from slipping during your exercises.
Disc stop sold in pairs (ref: 8574652).
How do you maintain and store your bodybuilding discs?
There are a few simple tips you can follow to keep your weight-training discs as long as possible:
- Store them in a dry place. They are sensitive to humidity and may rust if stored in damp conditions or outdoors.
- You can also dust them from time to time with a dry or damp microfiber cloth.
- Store them at the bottom of a cabinet, on a storage rack (ref: 8788246) or on a wall-mounted disc holder (ref: 8796727).
Need ideas on how to use this disc? Our coach will guide you!
A bodybuilding disc can be used with a barbell or dumbbell, depending on your equipment (in this case, a bench and a barbell).
Pectoral and triceps exercise:
- Bench press 4×4 repetitions
Leave a 2-rep margin at the end of your sets. As you progress through the sessions, increase the load using 0.5kg or 1kg weights, for example.