To hit or not to hit? The risks
Keeping firing pins compressed for long periods of time can damage the springs in your firing pins, and should be avoided. Empty firing is also harmful, and your firing pins are not designed for it. But what can you do? The shock-absorbing bushing is the answer.
Why use a shock absorber bushing?
The dummy primer is made of brass, just like a primer, so as not to damage the head of your firing pins.
To ensure the long life of the shock-absorbing sleeve, the primer is placed on a spring system to absorb the impact of the firing pin and thus preserve them.
How do I use it?
Place the shock absorber cases as you would normally load your gun. Close your rifle, point the muzzle towards a safe area (it's important to keep the right gestures) and strike the two firing pins. The firing pins are now relaxed and can be safely stored for a long time.