Weight: 12g
Length: 6cm
Strong iron double hook BKK n°1/0 ultra prickly
To prospect a maximum of surface area, you can animate your "frog" in a linear fashion, with your rod high, making short pulls while retrieving your line with your reel.
If you wish to insist on a particular area, you can carry out a "Walking the dog" animation!
To fish with this frog we recommend:
- a MEDIUM HEAVY (MH) / HEAVY (H) rod with ultra fast action
- a casting reel size 150/200
- braid from 18/100 to 25/100 depending on the size of the
- a 70/100 fluorocarbon leader if you're after pike.
For black bass fishing, we advise you to fish directly with braid, without leader and staple.