Weight: 4.2g
Length: 3.6cm
Thickness: 1.7mm
Single hook BKK: n°6
This wobbling spoon offers a wide range of animation possibilities thanks to its curvature.
In rivers, for upstream fishing, this spoon can be unstacked to create a zigzag drop. All you have to do is make a few pulls with the rod up and gently cast to imitate a fry in difficulty.
On downstream sections, make small twitches with the rod down while retrieving your line.
In mountain lakes, this spoon will be particularly effective for prospecting the first layer of water.
To fish with this rippling micro, we recommend you use:
- a ULTRA LIGHT (UL) / Light (L) power rod
- a size 2000 spinning reel
- a braid from 8/100 to 10/100
- a fluorocarbon leader from 18/100 to 22/100
For optimum swimming performance, we recommend you use a n°1 staple.