Pack composition
This pack includes an XS Compact MC9 DIN 300 compensated diaphragm regulator and an XS Compact octopus.
Compensated diaphragm first stage
The first stage of the XS compact regulator features a compensated diaphragm. Small and lightweight, it features 2 high-pressure outlets and 4 medium-pressure outlets. Diaphragm hyper-balancing for unbeatable flow smoothness. Replaceable stainless steel nozzle. Protective polyurethane cap on body and high-grip knobs. The DIN regulator is certified to 300 bar.
Second stage, light octopus, comfortable in the mouth
The XS Compact regulator combines a highly reliable core represented by a safe, high-performance Downstream valve with a revolutionary structure featuring cutting-edge features: extreme lightness (only 135 grams!) to avoid fatiguing mandibular muscles and improve reach, ergonomic design that's comfortable in the mouth and during rapid head movements, anti-scratch treatment, immediate-access Dive-Predive adjustment.
Hose weight and length
First stage weight: 450 grams. Second stage weight: 135 grams. Regulator hose weight: 153 grams. Octopus weight: 135 grams. Weight of octopus hose: 153 grams (100 cm). Total weight: 1026 grams.
Regulator certification
The XS compact MC9 regulator pack from Cressi features a compensated diaphragm first stage. It is certified for use in non-cold water (temperature above +10°C). The DIN regulator is certified for use at 300 bar.
Results of ventilatory effort certification tests (pressure simulation at 50 m and water at 8°C)
- block pressure from 50 to 200 bar: 1.1 J/L.
Ventilatory effort is the measure of the energy (in joules) expended to obtain 1 liter of ventilation.
Maintenance tips
Never use solvents or hydrocarbon-based products to clean or lubricate your regulator yourself. Never use aerosol cans, as the propellants may attack plastic materials.
Regulator overhaul
Cressi recommends that you have your regulator serviced every two years, and visually inspected at least once a year. Both checks should be carried out by a certified workshop Cressi. An overhaul is also recommended after a particularly intense season (over 100 dives) or after a long period of inactivity.