The 900 bag measures 155 cm, depending on the padding the bag bulges at the top and bottom.
The straps attached to the bag measure 35 cm.
In total the bag measures 190 cm (this is the size of the bag attached to the ceiling fixture, measured from top to bottom).
The diameter is 38 cm.
Weight: 50 kg with a tolerance of +/- 2 kg
Package dimensions: 160 cm*40 cm*40 cm
Free in-store collection: 1h if available, 48/72h if not (choice in your basket, in the delivery stage).
The padding in our punching bags is made from fabric scraps, which are reused rather than thrown away.
The 900 bag is highly resistant to repeated punches and kicks, thanks to its thick synthetic coating (PU).
It allows you to work on technical aspects such as distance management, movement and speed.
The fastening system uses straps and metal triangles, for maximum safety.
A metal swivel ensures the bag rotates to avoid swinging.
Boxing is ideal for developing your physical condition, pushing yourself to the limit and surpassing yourself, while learning self-control, rigor and respect.
Boxing is a complete discipline, enabling you to channel your energy, tone up and gain stamina.
Enjoy an authentic experience while letting off steam.
Bag work tones up the boxer's muscles to increase his punching power.