Choosing the right SIZE
The size of a cross-country ski should be chosen according to your ability and weight, not your height.
45 - 60 kg = 173 cm
55 - 70 kg = 180 cm
65 - 85 kg = 186 cm
80- 95 kg = 192 cm
Waxing, the secret of durability!
When you buy your skis, we recommend that you prepare the base of your skis properly to achieve their optimum glide level. We recommend several consecutive waxings to "nourish" the base.
To maintain the performance of your skis, don't forget to wax them regularly!
To wax your skis, discover our tutorials on our You Tube channel Inovik or make an appointment in your workshop. Decathlon
LEXICLE = Building a ski
NOYAU = core of the ski: made of wood (solid or with channels) or composite (honeycomb)
SEMELLE = part in contact with the snow, made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), sintered or extruded.
COAST LINES = width of a ski in tip, runner and tail