What are the benefits of the MS500 stepper?
At home, refine your figure by combining muscle strengthening and cardio. The MS500 stepper works the abdominal belt and lower-body muscles (buttocks, thighs, calves, etc.) for a complete, in-depth workout. The twister movement will stimulate your deep waist muscles. Grab the elastics and strengthen your upper muscles with a combination of upper-body movements.
Everything you need to know about mini-steppers!
With the MS500 stepper, you work both the muscular and cardiovascular systems. With each session, you'll improve your breathing and coordination. Start your session with a 3-5 minute warm-up phase. Then spend around 20 to 30 minutes working your muscles in depth. Afterwards, choose a cool-down phase followed by some stretching to increase muscle suppleness and avoid injury.
Go further by adding difficulty to your practice...
If you want to work your waist and abdominal muscles even harder, you can add a rotating movement of your hips to each step. This will require extra effort, but you'll be able to get a more complete workout.
Take advantage of the 4 indicator counter!
You can track the progress of your session and your performance by consulting the number of repetitions you perform, the time since you started, the frequency at which you go and your calories burned since the start of your effort. You have the opportunity to analyze these indicators to track your improvement one session at a time!
The MS500 stepper is easy to move and store
Thanks to its compact size, you can easily move it from one room to another. At the end of your practice, it's easy to find a place to put it away, thanks to its small volume.
Ground stability for safe practice
The MS500 stepper features non-slip feet and pedals with gripping surfaces for maximum stability during exercise.
Weights and dimensions
Dimensions: 43.5 x 34.5 x 23 cm
Weight: 8kg
Please consult our ASSISTANCE section on www.decathlon.fr to:
- Assemble or adjust your product
- Solve a technical problem
- Download the manual for your mini stepper