Preparing the repair area
The area must be clean, dry and free of wax. Prepare the surface by removing old broken fiberglass and sand up to 5mm outside the perimeter of the repair area, using the piece of sandpaper.
In a shaded area, press just enough SOLAREZ to fill the damaged area, no more than 5mm at a time. Replace the cap on the tube.
Cover the repair site with a piece of smooth, transparent plastic fiml. This will keep your fingers clean, allow you to shape and mold the resin and give it a glossy finish when you're finished.
With the plastic in place work the resin into the damaged area and remove any bubbles.
You'll have plenty of time to model, as the resin won't harden until you expose it to light.
When the resin is finally positioned exactly as you want it, EXPOSE IT TO THE SUN.
Continue to hold the plastic film in place until the resin gels. Once gelled, you can remove the plastic. Continue curing in the sun for 3 to 5 minutes.
Carefully remove the plastic film.
You can use the sandpaper to lightly sand rough edges for a perfect, glossy, hard and resistant finish.
Important note
The rapid hardening of SOLAREZ resin makes it very hot.
If the depth of your repair is greater than 3mm and the sun is particularly intense, as in the tropics, you should intermittently shade the repair area to reduce heat build-up. Expose for five seconds in the sun and five seconds in the shade for the first minute.
Rigid surfboard
Epoxy (pe) or polyester (pu) repair kit?
Your rigid surfboard may be made of epoxy resin or polyester resin. These are referred to as "PE" and "PU" boards:
PE: polyurethane foam pad with epoxy resin
PU: polyurethane foam pad with polyester resin.
To repair your epoxy or polyester resin board, you need:
- a surfboard repair kit: epoxy resin or polyester resin, depending on the material.
How to repair your surfboard?
For more information, visit
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